Lucerne: 5 l/ha after every cut when there is sufficient leaf cover to intercept the spray. Water rate: 50 to 500 l/ha.
Apple: 2 to 5 l/ha applied at bud burst and repeated at 7 to 10 day intervals as necessary to the beginning of flowering. Regular applications of 5 to 10 l/ha at 7 to 14 day intervals from petal fall to one week before harvest. Water rate: 150 to 500 l/ha.
Barley: 5 l/ha from 4 leaves to second node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 14 to 32). Water rate: 200 l/ha
Beans: 5 l/ha applied at the 4 to 6 leaf stage (10 to 15 cm tall). Repeat applications can be made at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Brussels Sprouts: 2 to 3 applications of 5 l/ha from stem extension/head development to harvest. Allow 10 to 14 days between applications. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Calabrese: 2 to 3 applications of 5 l/ha from stem extension/head development to harvest. Allow 10 to 14 days between applications. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Celery: 5 l/ha early in the season. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Cereals: 5 l/ha from 4 leaves to second node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 14 to 32). Water rate: 200 l/ha
Cherry: 2 applications of 10 l/ha, 4 weeks and 2 weeks before harvest. Water rate: 500 l/ha.
Daffodil (field grown): 5 l/ha applied 7 to 21 days after the flowers have been removed, and repeated again 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 200 l/ha. Do not apply to crops grown under glass or plastic. Do not apply to the crop in flower.
Grapevines: 7 to 10 l/ha. Repeated applications at 7 to 14 day intervals from fruit set. Water rate: 500 to 1000 l/ha.
Leek: 5 l/ha applied two weeks after transplanting, or in the case of direct sown crops, when the crop is 15 cm tall. Repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Lily (field grown): 5 l/ha applied 7 to 21 days after the flowers have been removed, and repeated again 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 200 l/ha. Do not apply to crops grown under glass or plastic. Do not apply to the crop in flower.
Parsnip: 5 l/ha when crop is 15 cm tall. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals. (3 applications maximum). Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Pears: Regular applications of 5 to 10 l/ha at 7 to 14 day intervals from petal fall to one week before harvest. Water rate: 150 to 500 l/ha.
Plum: 2 applications of 10 l/ha, 4 weeks and 2 weeks before harvest. Water rate: 500 l/ha.
Protected Crops: 0.5 litres per 100 litres water maximum concentration. Water rate: 1000 l/ha maximum. Refer to equivalent field grown crop for application timing.
Spinach: 5 l/ha applied from the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat as necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Tulip (field grown): 5 l/ha applied 7 to 21 days after the flowers have been removed, and repeated again 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 200 l/ha. Do not apply to crops grown under glass or plastic. Do not apply to the crop in flower.
Wheat: 5 l/ha from 4 leaves to second node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 14 to 32). Water rate: 200 l/ha
Lucerne: 5 l/ha after every cut when there is sufficient leaf cover to intercept the spray. Water rate: 50 to 500 l/ha.
Apple: 2 to 5 l/ha applied at bud burst and repeated at 7 to 10 day intervals as necessary to the beginning of flowering. Regular applications of 5 to 10 l/ha at 7 to 14 day intervals from petal fall to one week before harvest. Water rate: 150 to 500 l/ha.
Barley: 5 l/ha from 4 leaves to second node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 14 to 32). Water rate: 200 l/ha
Beans: 5 l/ha applied at the 4 to 6 leaf stage (10 to 15 cm tall). Repeat applications can be made at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Brussels Sprouts: 2 to 3 applications of 5 l/ha from stem extension/head development to harvest. Allow 10 to 14 days between applications. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Calabrese: 2 to 3 applications of 5 l/ha from stem extension/head development to harvest. Allow 10 to 14 days between applications. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Celery: 5 l/ha early in the season. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Cereals: 5 l/ha from 4 leaves to second node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 14 to 32). Water rate: 200 l/ha
Cherry: 2 applications of 10 l/ha, 4 weeks and 2 weeks before harvest. Water rate: 500 l/ha.
Daffodil (field grown): 5 l/ha applied 7 to 21 days after the flowers have been removed, and repeated again 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 200 l/ha. Do not apply to crops grown under glass or plastic. Do not apply to the crop in flower.
Grapevines: 7 to 10 l/ha. Repeated applications at 7 to 14 day intervals from fruit set. Water rate: 500 to 1000 l/ha.
Leek: 5 l/ha applied two weeks after transplanting, or in the case of direct sown crops, when the crop is 15 cm tall. Repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Lily (field grown): 5 l/ha applied 7 to 21 days after the flowers have been removed, and repeated again 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 200 l/ha. Do not apply to crops grown under glass or plastic. Do not apply to the crop in flower.
Parsnip: 5 l/ha when crop is 15 cm tall. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals. (3 applications maximum). Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Pears: Regular applications of 5 to 10 l/ha at 7 to 14 day intervals from petal fall to one week before harvest. Water rate: 150 to 500 l/ha.
Plum: 2 applications of 10 l/ha, 4 weeks and 2 weeks before harvest. Water rate: 500 l/ha.
Protected Crops: 0.5 litres per 100 litres water maximum concentration. Water rate: 1000 l/ha maximum. Refer to equivalent field grown crop for application timing.
Spinach: 5 l/ha applied from the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat as necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Tulip (field grown): 5 l/ha applied 7 to 21 days after the flowers have been removed, and repeated again 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 200 l/ha. Do not apply to crops grown under glass or plastic. Do not apply to the crop in flower.
Wheat: 5 l/ha from 4 leaves to second node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 14 to 32). Water rate: 200 l/ha