Leaves usually show a dark green to bluish tint. The displayed photo shows yellow chlorosis.
Because of the effect that P deficiency has on retarding overall growth, striking foliar symptoms that are evidence
of deficiency in certain other nutrients, for example N and K, are sometimes observed.
Phosphorus deficiency
The uptake of P is inhibited in acidic as well as in cool, wet soils.
Plants suffering from P deficiency usually show a dark green to bluish tint on their foliage. In the displayed picture, leaves show an even chlorosis and a dark, brownish tint on the interveinal fields.
Phosphorus deficiency
Soybeans require relatively large amounts of P, especially at pod set.
The uptake of P is inhibited in acidic as well as in cool, wet soils.
Plants suffering from P deficiency usually show a dark green to bluish tint on their foliage.
In the displayed picture, leaves show an even yellow chlorosis and a beginning light brown necrosis on the marginal area of the leaf base.
Phosphorus deficiency
Soybeans require relatively large amounts of P, especially at pod set.
The uptake of P is inhibited in acidic as well as in cool, wet soils.
P deficient plants suffer from growth retardation and sparse foliage.
Leaves usually show a dark green to bluish tint. In the displayed case, older leaflets show interveinal chlorosis and necrosis.
Light brown necrotic blotches coalesce along the leaf margin.
Phosphorus deficiency
Soybeans require relatively large amounts of P, especially at pod set.
The uptake of P is inhibited in acidic as well as in cool, wet soils.
Leaves usually show a dark green to bluish tint. In the displayed case, older leaflets show interveinal chlorosis and necrosis.
Light brown necrotic blotches coalesce towards the leaf margin.
Phosphorus deficiency
Soybeans require relatively large amounts of P, especially at pod set.
The uptake of P is inhibited in acidic as well as in cool, wet soils.